An Analysis on IX Swap
What is IX Swap? IX Swap is the liquidity solution for all STO/TSO exchanges globally, bridging the gap between CeFi and DeFi. IX Swap is a hybrid instrument that is based on OTC Swaps and Cleared Swaps (In the case of Cleared Swaps, it is a natural extension of STO/TSO). IX Swap can be traded independently or in a basket with other STO/TSO. IX Swap is fundamentally different from traditional OTC Swaps, Cleared Swaps, and STO/TSO, since IX Swap is backed by real assets, not mere promises/guarantees. IX Swap also differs from traditional STO/TSO because IX Swap is centrally cleared by an approved central counterparty (CCP). IX Swaps can be created/ sold on multiple exchanges globally, and liquidity is aggregated across multiple exchanges. IX Swaps can be created and settled on multiple exchanges. IX Swaps are standardized and interchangeable, just like STO/TSO. IX Swaps leverage the liquidity of STO/TSO. IX Swaps can be used to hedge against price movements in STO/TSO. IX Swaps ar...